Iludi 5 anos!
In 2019, Iludi turns 5 years old. To celebrate such a representative number, we have prepared a year full of novelties and we want to be even more present in the daily lives of our friends and partners.
To start, we present our new institutional video. Made with great care, it tells the daily life of a young stylist and shows, through a scenario filled with pieces developed by us, how much we are inserted in people’s lives.
We believe that with each awakening, a multitude of possibilities open up to us and it is up to each one to capture and absorb all the ideas that embrace us. It’s like the soundtrack says: “It’s a brand new day! Gonna take it on my way”.
We hope you enjoy the video as much as we do. After all, you are part of this party.
Estúdio Iludi – Its a brand New Day from Estúdio ILUDI on Vimeo .
All recorded in our showroom, the video was planned, conceived and executed by professionals who follow our entire trajectory. It couldn’t be different. Here at Iludi we prioritize relationships, affection and soul. When all this is accompanied by extreme competence, the result is always surprising.
Styling and Photos: Studio Tertúlia. Video Capture and Editing: Loop Videos. Beauty: Cassia Perocco. Model: Barbara Zanco. Script and Text: Luiz Abreu. Making Of: Inside Photography
Even the flowers bend to watch you pass. The Ghost Collection refers to its fullness.
Let the light in and illuminate life. The scent of lavender, delicately placed in a vase from the Tag Collection, fills the room.
At the table, the meal is the first commitment. Dressed as Carmen Miranda, she parades the centerpiece of the Aura Collection.
The Veredas Collection enchants for its simplicity. Its pots are super versatile and move well in any environment.
The Void armchair surprises for its comfort in folds and steel. Under the light of the Urban Luminaire, the wish is that the reading does not end.