Collection TROPICANA
“From the pink mango, I want the flavor and the juice, Ripe melon, sapoti, juá, Jaboticaba, your nocturnal glance , A bitter kiss of umbu-cajá” (Alceu Valença - Tropicana)
Resistant, safe and comfortable, the Tropicana bags are the antithesis of ephemeral plasticity. They echo respect and undertake responsible consumption, eliminating superfluous expenses, including of time and space. Empathetic, the line induces the attention to the other, to the collective conscience, to the broader world. They are daily companions who, over time, end up relating intimately as a being, as an influential and multipurpose flag. Representativeness and reactivity. Very Brazilian, Tropicana exudes flavor. Woven in canvas and raw cotton and available in two colors (marine and raw), they bring joy to those who care about what matters.